Fixes without the fuss
Do you do it every ride? Do you do it once a year? Do you do it at all? No matter how often you do decide to wash your pride and joy, we put together some simple hints to help make it as straight forward and painless as possible.
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There is nothing more frustrating that heading out on a ride only to discover 50 meters in that something is rattling on your bike. It can often be nothing to worry about, but it's always better to stop and try...
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If like us, you live in the UK or Ireland, you are probably all too familiar with the riding conditions once summer closes to an end and the cold, wet weather moves in to try and spoil your ride. In...
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In this episode, we offer a quick overview on what sort of kit to carry with you on each ride, from the basics like water and cash, through to some slightly less common but always welcome in an emergency items such as zip ties and chain lube.
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