#fustlefamily Ride Out 24.3 - Glenariffe
RIDE OUT 24.2 - Fustle Family at Gosford Forest Park
Team Announcement QUB-FUSTLE Take On Pedal The Periphery 2024
Womens' Cycling Ulster Introduce Gravel Biking At Their Big Day Out
Women's Cycling Ulster recently hosted a day covering all things cycling at Tollymore Mountain Centre, a stunning location sitting right at the foot of the Mourne mountains. With Fustle proudly leading the way in the Gravel bike market we were the obvious people to go along with our fleet of demo bikes, expertise and added camaraderie.

(Written by Connor McCullough)
A number of years ago, myself and my friend Steve took a trip to the island of Islay, in the Inner Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland. That trip was before either of us were really into camping or cycling that much so it was very new to us. Ever since that trip we said they we would come back and explore the island some more. Fast forward about 6 years to May 2023, and we finally have organised that trip again. 6 years on we are also now both much more experience cyclists and campers and hopefully a bit more prepared for this trip. While I’m not (yet) a Fustle bike owner, the guys at Fustle very kindly let me borrow one of their demo bikes for the trip.
We didn’t really have any specific plans for the trip other than to get the boat from Ballycastle to Islay, cycle across Islay, get the boat to Jura, explore some of Jura, cycle to Craighouse, then get the ferry back to Islay and explore some of Islay.
Two sisters Andrea Harrower & Cathy Booth, both who are very close friends of Fustle founders Alastair & Julie, on two bikes took on 480 miles in an epic two day endurance event cycling around the whole of NI to raise money and awareness for pancreatic cancer Nipanc (Northern Ireland Pancreatic Cancer Charity).
Fustle Family Slieve Croob Fundraiser in aid of Northern Ireland Pancreatic Cancer (NIPANC)
"Fustle Causeway Trail Control is the gravel bike that’s ready to hustle" - Guy Kesteven
We packed up one of our Fustle Causeway Control demo bikes and shipped it out to the guys at Bikeperfect to see what they made of it. Read what Guy Kestevens thoughts on it where below.